
220 volt pressure switch wiring
220 volt pressure switch wiring

220 volt pressure switch wiring

With most electrical installations, it is important to remember that attaching the ground wire is critical if you want the circuit, and user, to be protected from shorts or faults in the system. I thought about installing an outlet and wiring the outlet to the pressure switch, but that seems kind of redundant. Master Tool Repair was kind enough to make the following video available for folks that are rewiring their own pressure switches. One wire connects to the terminal on the compressor ON/OFF switch and the other to a terminal on the motor. Of course, if you have a pressure switch like the one below, the wiring is fairly simple. On the right side of the left hand image above, you can see the screw to which the ground wire is attached. 220V Pressure Switch Wiring Steps Step-1: Turn off the Power Step-2: Locate the Switch Box Step-3: Open the Switch Box Cover Step-4: Secure the Wire. A 220 - volt wiring diagram is shown on on the nameplate of the motor. For example a 220 volt pump will have two hot wires feeding the motor.

220 volt pressure switch wiring

The wire terminals themselves are usually marked with LINE – which is the terminals for the power supply from the wall plug, and the other side is noted as LOAD or MOTOR, and the motor wires are attached to these terminals. An enclosed control switch is located accessibly on the side of the motor. Illustration at above-left: orange extension cord wiring used to hook up the pump pressure control switch is an improper and unsafe electrical installation. One of these is to bring the power cord from the wall plug through the wire-way and up to the terminals on the pressure switch, and the other is to allow the wires from the switch back out of the switch and up to the motor circuit. Note that there are two wire-ways under the floor of the pressure switch. The image on the right has the cover on, and on the left, the cover off. In the photo above you see two views of the same pressure switch.

220 volt pressure switch wiring